Wales 20mph Task Force Group report

Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 4th August 2020
Date published/launched: July 2020

This independent report recommends that Wales becomes the first nation in the world to reduce the default speed limit from 30mph to 20mph.

The result of a year-long study by a taskforce made up of police, local authorities, public health experts and other key partners such as road safety groups, the report makes 21 practical recommendations for implementation across Wales.

The report recommends turning the current Traffic Regulation Orders process on its head. Instead of the default speed limit being 30mph, with communities needing to make the case to go lower, the default speed limit will become 20mph, with a case needing to be made to go higher. Crucially it will be for communities, and local authorities, to decide which roads should remain at 30mph.

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