Organisation: Department for Transport (DfT)
Date of Publication: June 2021
Date Uploaded: 23 June 2021
In this new THINK! campaign, Radio One DJ and co-host of ‘That Peter Crouch Podcast’, Chris Stark, joins forces with the County Football Association (FA) to deliver a passionate team talk to a nation of football lovers to keep them safe on the roads.
While casualty figures overall have plateaued, young male drivers aged 17 to 24 years are still four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than drivers aged 25 and over, per billion miles travelled.
The campaign aims to celebrate those young drivers who don’t take risks on the road, promoting safe driving habits such as watching your speed, even when in a hurry or on roads you think you know well, and ignoring your phone when driving. The fear is that, as car traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels, the casualty figures among this high-risk group may increase.
As part of the County FA partnership, clubs and teams are sharing their own video clips, which can be seen in the team talk film, bringing alive the spirit of the County FA and showing the diversity of grassroots football across the UK.
Find out more on the website: