Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 26th September 2012
Date published/launched: June 2012
This statistical bulletin looks at pedestrian road traffic casualties in Wales – all pedestrian casualties and child (aged 0-15) pedestrian casualties.

The aim of the bulletin is to show trends in the number and severity of casualties and to show the circumstances associated with the accidents that resulted in these casualties. This is to provide information relevant to road safety policy in relation to pedestrian casualties and to provide a starting point for any further, in-depth investigation of the accidents resulting in pedestrian casualties.
Summary of all pedestrian casualties:
• The number of killed and seriously injured pedestrian casualties has broadly fallen from 1979; comparing 1979 to 2011 shows an overall 73% decrease in the number of killed or seriously injured pedestrian casualties.
• In 2011, there were 24 pedestrian fatalities, 237 serious pedestrian casualties and 893 slight pedestrian casualties.
• Killed and seriously injured pedestrian casualties in 2011 were 23% higher than 2010 (which was exceptionally low due to the very poor weather at the beginning and end of that year). But 2011 is still the fourth lowest point since 1979.
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