Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 1st October 2013
Date published/launched: July 2012
This bulletin looks at the road traffic accidents involving young drivers (aged under 25) in Wales.

The purpose of this bulletin is to look at the extent to which young drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents than older drivers. It also looks at the types of accidents that involve young drivers and whether or not these differ from the types of accidents that involve older drivers. The aim is to provide information relevant to determine road safety policy in Wales.
The scope of the bulletin is as follows:
• It only covers drivers of motorised vehicles (it excludes pedal cyclists and horse riders).
• It covers all of these drivers, but the percentages in the tables only refer to instances where the age of driver was known to police (it excludes non-traced hit and run drivers); in some tables the percentages only refer to drivers where the age and sex of the driver was known.
• An accident will involve one or more drivers; all of these drivers will be included in the tables.
• Young drivers are defined as all drivers aged under 25; some of these drivers were under the legal age for driving. Older drivers are all those aged 25 and over.
• The figures show the involvement of young and older drivers of motorised vehicles in accidents; they do not show any information about the degree of responsibility of these drivers for these accidents.
• It also does not show any information about whether or not the drivers concerned held a valid driving licence.
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