Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 19th October 2012
Date published/launched: July 2012
This is the twenty-third in a series of Northern Ireland Seatbelt Surveys.

The majority of this report concentrates on seatbelt wearing rates in cars only. However, in addition to the 13,855 cars observed there were 381 taxis (all taxis
displaying a taxi licensing plate) and 1,243 vans observed under the same conditions.
The details of 586 taxi occupants and 1,606 van occupants were recorded, with the
main findings also presented in this report.
Key findings
• 98% of all car occupants observed used a restraint.
• 98% of drivers and front seat passengers wore a restraint.
• 94% of back seat passengers wore a restraint.
• 98% of both male and female drivers were restrained.
• 96% of male and 98% of female front seat passengers were restrained.
• Adult back seat passengers were less likely (92%) to wear a restraint than child
back seat passengers (96%).
• 5% of children aged 10-13, 6% of those aged 5-9 and 3% of those aged 1-4
were unrestrained when travelling in the back of a car.
For more information contact:
DOENI Analytical Services