Shared Use

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 3rd October 2012
Date published/launched: September 2012

This Local Transport Note provides advice on their planning, design and provision of shared use routes.

Shared use routes are designed to accommodate the movement of pedestrians and cyclists. Shared use schemes require careful consideration and this Local Transport Note (LTN) provides advice on their planning, design and provision.

Key points
• Shared use routes can be created from new, or by converting existing footways or footpaths. Shared use routes may be segregated or unsegregated. A segregated route is one where pedestrians and cyclists are separated by a feature such as a white line, a kerb or some other feature. On an unsegregated route, pedestrians and cyclists mix freely and share the full width of the route.

• Shared use routes created through the conversion of footways or footpaths can be
controversial. There are many such examples that have been implemented inappropriately and/or poorly designed, particularly in urban areas. It is essential for designers to understand that shared use is not the ‘easy fix’ it might appear to be.

• The design of shared use routes requires careful consideration and is best carried
out by someone experienced in planning and designing for pedestrians and cyclists. A poorly designed facility can make conditions worse for both user groups.

• This Local Transport Note focuses on routes within built-up areas, where the predominant function of the route is for utility transport, and where use by pedestrians and/or cyclists is likely to be frequent. As such, it expresses a general preference for on-carriageway provision for cyclists over shared use. However, it is not meant to discourage shared use where it is appropriate.

For more information contact:
Department for Transport enquiries

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