Analysis of drink drive collisions

Organisation: Dorset County Council
Date uploaded: 1st October 2012
Date published/launched: February 2012

Two reports have been produced by Dorset County Council’s Road Safety Team to build a profile of drink drivers/riders who were involved in a road traffic collision between November 2006 and October 2011 (5 years).

Two reports have been produced by Dorset County Council’s Road Safety Team to build a profile of drink drivers/riders who were involved in a road traffic collision between November 2006 and October 2011 (5 years).

The first report considers all drink drive/ride collisions; one of the key findings of this report was that half of all drink drivers/riders involved in a road traffic collision were aged 30 and under. As a result of this finding a second report was completed comparing younger and older drink drive/ride collisions. As well as building a profile of drink drivers/riders both reports consider the circumstances of drink drive/ride collisions.

Stats 19 data provided by Dorset Police is used as the basis of the report and additional research/data such as NICE literature review March 2010, DfT’s ‘Attitudes to Road Safety: Analysis of Driver Behaviour Module 2010’ and results from Dorset Police’s 2011 ACPO drink drive campaign are considered throughout to provide context.

This report is intended to assist road safety professionals in identifying the trends in drink drive collisions and casualties. The two reports provide information on the following areas:

Driver/Rider Profile:
• Age and Gender Breakdown
• Postcode area
• Vehicle type of drink drivers/riders

Collision Analysis:
• Urban or rural
• Month
• Day
• Time
• Weekday/Weekend split
• Contributory factor analysis
• Contributory factor group analysis
• Single vehicle
• Drink drive/ride collision locations

For more information contact:
Mike Potter
T: 01305 221767

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