Organisation: Central Bedfordshire Council & Amey
Date uploaded: 13th August 2012
Date published/launched: July 2012

The council outsourced its ETP function to Amey at the end of 2010 under a five-year contract which covers analysing statistics and delivering campaigns, events and training designed to reach the most at risk groups and to reduce the number of road collisions.
In the period since the ETP function was outsourced the number people killed or seriously injured in road collisions in Central Bedfordshire has fallen by 30%.
The evaluation, which comprises five reports and was carried out by the University of Bedfordshire, looks at ETP activities targeting motorcyclists, young drivers and car passengers, children and general road users.
The motorcycle report evaluates seven different motorcycle campaigns undertaken within Bedfordshire during April 2011 to April 2012. These were: Take Another Look (SMIDSY), riders’ safety campaign, winter riding skills day, further and advanced training subsidy, Bedfordshire Biker 4, Take Control (Powered2Wheeler Training) and Ride Free.
The young drivers and car passengers report looks at the effectiveness of MORE 16; MORE Experience; MORE Drive; Tonight’s the Night (DVD); First Car Magazine; and Young Drivers Radio Advert.
The children’s report looks at the Be Safe Be Seen (Get Enlightened) campaign undertaken within Luton Borough Council, together with an evaluation of a radio broadcast by Heart FM (covering Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire).
The general report covers the council’s summer and Christmas drink drive campaigns, an appropriate speed campaign, evaluation of websites, travel sponsorship and non-paid for media.
The evaluation concludes that, collectively, these council’s initiatives “have raised awareness of road safety knowledge and attitudes in road users of Central Bedfordshire”.
For more information contact:
Michelle Watkins
T: 08453 656204