Organisation: Dorset County Council
Date uploaded: 6th August 2012
Date published/launched: June 2012
This report highlights the findings from two further focus groups that were carried out on behalf of Dorset Road Safe. The aim was to test awareness of the "no excuse" project, assess its impact and gather opinions regarding the project's materials

The earlier “No excuse” interim evaluation (March 2011) and the initial Citizen’s Panel focus group report (Nov 2011) recommended further evaluation with specific driving groups. Participants in this latest research were asked their views on the use of mobile phones/Smartphones whilst driving, seatbelt use and drink driving as well as more general views about the “No excuse” project.
The findings suggest that business drivers were more inclined to suggest increased overt and covert enforcement as the most effective means of changing behaviour. The younger drivers questioned tended to suggest the provision of incentives and practical alternatives as being the best way to prevent drink driving and using mobiles whilst driving.
Attitudes towards mobile phone use were clearly different, with the young drivers group far less likely to view this behaviour as posing a significant risk or as being as anti-social as drink driving. Both groups were supportive of the new “No excuse” publicity awareness materials including mobile phone signage, reactor tests and localised newsletters highlighting the number of local offences reported and contributory factors in crashes.
The report recommends that no one size fits all in terms of raising awareness and that different approaches and materials should continue to be trialled with different groups of road users. It suggests the use of real “excuses” should continue to be used to promote the project’s aims but care should be taken to ensure that the “humour” they generate is tempered with highlighting the negative consequences of the actions.
For more information contact:
Robert Smith
T: 01305 224680
It’s great to this kind of research/evaluation study being published here and fascinating to the see the results. Thanks so much for subjecting No Excuses to proper analysis and sharing.
Very interesting to see the level of brand recognition and message recognition/acceptance coming from this type of media use.
Thanks again