Organisation: Bedfordshire and Luton Casualty Reduction Partnership
Date uploaded: 2nd July 2012
Date published/launched: June 2012
'Tonight's the Night' is a dramatisation of events leading up to and following a road traffic collision involving four young people. Individuals who have been personally affected by road crashes relive their experiences during short interviews.

The new set of educational resources for young people is being offered free-of-charge to all secondary schools in Bedfordshire.
Teachers from schools across Bedfordshire and the east of England, along with local councillors and representatives from Bedford, Luton and Central Bedfordshire councils, attended the launch event when the film was premiered.
Dr Pat Roberts from the University of Bedfordshire explained how the resource was evaluated by students and teachers, and how their feedback was incorporated into the final version of “Tonight’s the Night”.
For more information contact:
Michelle Watkins (Amey)
T: 08453 656204