Organisation: Cornwall Council
Date uploaded: 22nd May 2012
Date published/launched: April 2012
This report examines whether there are any differences between serious and fatal road traffic collisions involving young drivers, and identifies initiatives that may increase young driver safety.

Young driver collision statistics (national and local) are examined, along with young driver characteristics and the evidence regarding whether initiatives increase young driver safety on the roads. Recommendations for education, engineering and enforcement are developed from the evidence.
Examination of national and local collision data suggests a number of key factors that are related to young drivers:
• Collisions tend to occur in the night time hours, at weekends on rural, A class, single carriageway roads.
• Collisions tend to be those in which the young driver was driving straight ahead or negotiating a curve.
• Losing control, speeding and failing to judge another person’s speed/path are key contributory factors to collision involvement for young drivers.
• Young males seem to be predominantly vulnerable of being involved in a road collision.
For more information contact:
Laura Hurst
T: 01872 324942
<: 07773 556351