Organisation: Highways Agency
Date uploaded: 22nd July 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
The 'Great Roads Great Rides 2' DVD film and interactive package puts the viewer on the bike, inside the helmet and close to the road, and features a 14-minute ride-out from motorway on to urban and countryside roads.

Biking is a great pastime and becoming increasingly popular. The Highways Agency wants riders to enjoy using the strategic road network, and to do it safely.
“Great Roads Great Rides 2” comprises a DVD film and interactive package. With clever filming techniques, it puts the viewer on the bike, inside the helmet and close to the road, and features a 14-minute ride-out from motorway on to urban and countryside roads.
The DVD film features rider Glenn Julian, a RoSPA Diploma holder, who takes the viewer on his journey and delivers on-going observations as he rides, helping viewers to spot the clues from the road environment ahead.
Riders can then use the second section, offering an interactive challenge when the disc is used with a computer. Here the ride-out section freezes at specific points so the viewer can have a go at identifying the clues that they would use when reading the road ahead. When the viewer gets a highlighted clue right they score a point. There is also an option to display all useful hints and tips throughout the journey.
For more information contact:
T: 0300 123 5000