Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 3rd April 2012
Date published/launched: November 2011
This Action Plan brings together all the key initiatives which the Welsh Assembly Government and its key partners are undertaking or planning to undertake in support of walking and cycling in Wales.

A key aim of the Plan is to help secure a change in behaviour – so that more people, young and old, walk and cycle more often. As the statistics at the end of the Plan reveal, current participation rates are low; and the Action Plan aims to change that.
Getting more people walking and cycling – and securing the benefits outlined above – requires behavioural change. This is the first main theme of this Action Plan, underlining its importance. Achieving this though is also dependent on enabling people to travel more sustainably through the provision of safe and appropriate walking and cycling infrastructure. This is the second theme covered in the Action Plan.
Delivery of the 30 aims of the Plan will be assisted if the supporting policies and programmes are appropriately joined up and co-ordinated and this activity is covered in the third theme of the Action Plan: Policy Objectives.
The fourth and final part of the Plan focuses on monitoring and evaluation. We clearly need to monitor the impact of the actions in this Plan, to check that they are having the right effect in terms of encouraging more people to walk and cycle more often and more safely.
The Assembly Government will monitor progress made against the aims and key targets set out in the Plan, and will report on progress annually.
For more information contact:
Susan Storch
T: 0845 330 2000