Road Lengths and Conditions

Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 12th January 2012
Date published/launched: October 2010

This is the first chapter of a compilation of statistics on transport in Wales. This chapter covers road lengths and conditions.

The Welsh Transport Statistics are designed to bring together information on transport from a number of sources and to cover a range of years. The first chapter focuses on road lengths and conditions in Wales and provides statistics and information about lengths, types, uses, areas and conditions of the roads in Wales up to 2010.

The latest figures show:
• The total road length in Wales in 2010 was 34,150 km.
• Unclassified minor surfaced roads contribute approximately half the total road length in Wales.
• Powys covers by far the largest land area of the Welsh unitary authorities. It accounts for the highest proportion of all A trunk roads (27%), B and C roads (21%) and minor surfaced roads (12%), resulting in an overall 16% of the total road length of Wales.
• The greatest length of motorway is in Newport, which accounts for 19% of the total motorway in Wales.
• In 2009, 4.3% of the motorway network and 5.8% of the trunk road network required close monitoring of structural condition compared with 4.6% and 6.2% respectively in 2008.
• During 2009-10 Rhondda Cynon Taf had the highest proportion of Principal (A) roads in need of further investigation, 13%.
• During 2009-10 Blaenau Gwent and Denbighshire had the highest proportion of B and C roads in need of further investigation, each representing 14%.

For more information contact:
Transport Statistics Wales
T: 029 2082 5085

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