Organisation: TRL
Date uploaded: 16th January 2012
Date published/launched: September 2010
This study draws together three studies that consider heavy vehicle safety generally and/or sideguards specifically, and analyses accident data to inform consideration of the likely effectiveness of sideguards in mitigating cyclist casualties.

The actions include, under the heading ‘technology’, working with the freight industry to identify the most cost-effective commercial vehicle safety measures that could be fitted either to new vehicles or to the existing fleet. The action specifically states that sideguards and motion sensors will be considered.
This study has drawn together the findings of research literature, in particular three recent studies that consider heavy vehicle safety generally and/or sideguards specifically, and undertaken analysis of relevant accident data in order to inform consideration of the likely effectiveness of sideguards in terms of mitigating pedal cycle casualties in London and in GB as a whole.
For more information contact:
Rebecca Cookson
T: 01344 770682