Checklist for the assessment of in-vehicle information systems

Organisation: TRL
Date uploaded: 1st March 2012
Date published/launched: September 2011

This publication updates ‘A Checklist for the assessment of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS)’ which was published in 1999 to provide a structured approach for assessing the design of an IVIS.

This publication updates ‘A Checklist for the assessment of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS)’ which was published in 1999 to provide a structured approach for assessing the design of an IVIS.

Since then, there have been several advances in technology and a number of developments in ergonomics standards and road safety. This publication has updated the Checklist to include such developments and advances.

For more information contact:
Alan Stevens
T: +44 (0) 1344 770945

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