Organisation: Devon County Council
Date uploaded: 24th October 2011
Date published/launched: August 2011
This report follows an earlier report published as part of Devon CC’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership project with Plymouth University. It reviews the available evidence on the effectiveness of cognitive training and relates it to older drivers.

However, it is well documented in the psychological research literature that cognitive abilities decline with age and some of these abilities are needed for driving. It is possible that age-related declines in cognitive ability may be partly responsible for the over-representation of older drivers in road collisions.
Cognitive training may have a role to play in making older drivers safer, either by making them more aware of the cognitive declines they are experiencing or by slowing or reversing those declines.
The paper reviews the available evidence on the effectiveness of cognitive training and relates it to older drivers.
For more information contact:
Poppy Husband
T: 01392 383689
<: 07837 855993