Organisation: Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety
Date uploaded: 22nd July 2010
Date published/launched: July 2010
A road safety vision and strategy for beyond 2010 is vital if we are to achieve political, professional and public buy-in and make a significant impact on casualty numbers.

By prioritising a vision and road safety strategy against which outcomes and progress can be measured, it will be possible to ensure private sector, professional, parliamentary and public buy-in and encourage the most effective use of resources.
The coalition government will be looking afresh at road safety in the context of its commitment to reducing public spending. It is vital that death and injury on British roads continues to be tackled as effectively as possible, not only to reduce the emotional trauma and other costs for those directly affected, but also to reduce costs to the public purse.
Road collisions impose a significant burden on the NHS and social security budgets, both in the immediate aftermath and longer term due to permanent disablement, and reduce economic output. The established average value of preventing a fatal collision is £1.9m, and the value of preventing a collision involving injury averages £75,000 across all reported injury collisions. The total value of preventing all reported collisions in 2008 would have been around £18bn. The argument to improve road safety is therefore not simply ethically, socially and emotionally driven but also an economically sound policy area that will deliver real cost savings.
PACTS urges ministers to commit to working towards having the safest road users in the world and to generating the tools with which a joined-up work force can ensure that no more than 1000 people die on our roads by 2020.
Recommendations for government:
• Maintain and build on Britain’s reputation and experience as a world leader for road safety by prioritising the publication of a road safety strategy and measurable road safety goals alongside a long-term road safety vision.
• Commit to working towards having the safest road users in the world beyond 2010.
• Commit to a reduction in road deaths to no more than 1000 per year by 2020.
• Focus resource on need, alleviate high-risk areas of the system and generate greater equality between all road users.
• Maintain its focus on evaluation of effective delivery of policy outcomes.
• Centre the road safety vision, strategy and goals upon the safe system approach.
• Complete the process of strategy and goal formulation in consultation with professionals in the field and service users.
For more information contact:
Eleanor Besley
T: 0207 222 7736