Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 15th July 2011
Date published/launched: March 2011
This report provides a summary of outcomes and highlights the key learning points from the projects which benefited from the DfT’s Road Safety Partnership Grant Scheme round two, which ran for up to two years from April 2008.

from the projects which benefited from the Department for Transport’s Road Safety
Partnership Grant Scheme round two, which ran for up to two years from April 2008.
It also provides brief summaries of those projects which were agreed in the following round, which are due to complete in March 2011.
RSPG was designed to promote:
• Partnership working among local authorities and others (including the education sector and youth service as well as other public service organisations such as the health sector, the fire and rescue service, the police and the voluntary sector);
• The take-up and sharing of good practice in the road safety arena;
• Innovative approaches and ways of working to address road safety issues;
• Main-streaming the most effective lessons learned from other road safety pilot projects.
A total of 19 projects were funded in this second round of RSPG at a total cost
approaching £2.2million.
For more information contact:
Barbara King
T: 07917 077786