SAID+ (safer attitudes in driving)

Organisation: Colas Ltd
Date uploaded: 29th June 2015
Date published/launched: Pre 2009

Colas’ SAID (safer attitudes in driving) campaign was originally launched in 2002 and then re-launched as SAID+ in 2015, to improve the safety of Colas’ employees on the road and to heighten their awareness of circumstances they can control to prevent vehicle incidents occurring.

Colas’ approach to managing occupational road risk and road safety is distinguished by the evolution in attitude within the company’s core culture towards road safety. This core change has been driven by the Colas SAID+ campaign, and has instilled the fundamental belief that all motor incidents are avoidable.

The campaign is coordinated by a designated management team including cross-departmental members to broaden the knowledge base within the team. Crucially, SAID+ is backed with the full endorsement of the Colas Board.

Among the activities undertaken within the campaign, a team of in-house driving representatives (local road safety coordinators) provide tailored training to target the specific vehicles used in the Colas fleet, while external providers supplement this training with specialised practical sessions.

Since the introduction of SAID (now SAID+), Colas’ vehicle incident frequency rate has reduced from 0.184 to 0.083.

For more information contact:
Sebastian Ward, Assistant Health & Safety Manager
T: 01342 711127

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