Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Date uploaded: 7th June 2011
Date published/launched: July 2010
An analysis of collisions in Sheffield involving a young driver

• Young drivers account for 7% of licence holders; however they make up 27% of seriously injured car drivers and 36% of those killed.
• 76% of young car drivers KSI and 57% of those slightly injured were male, but men only account for 54% of licence holders.
• Over the last 10 years the number of slight collisions involving young car drivers has fallen by 10%, the number of KSI have fallen by 18%.
• The number of collisions increases in the winter months, peaking in December.
• The largest number of collisions takes place on a Friday and Saturday.
• There are more collisions involving young car drivers throughout the evening and into the earlier hours of the morning when compared with all other collisions.
• A larger percentage of young driver collisions take place in darkness and in wet/damp/icy conditions.
• Relatively, male drivers are over-represented at ages 18-24; however females are over-represented at the age of 17.
• There is an overrepresentation of casualties from some of the most deprived areas within the city.
• Although young drivers are overrepresented in collisions in Sheffield, Sheffield has the best young driver casualty rate in South Yorkshire and is above average when compared with other core authorities across the North and Midlands.
For more information contact:
Dave Lawson
T: 01142736165