Organisation: Aviva
Date uploaded: 23rd July 2010
Date published/launched: January 2010
Aviva has produced a guide for parents to help them safely guide their sons and daughters through the process of learning to drive.
Aviva looked in depth at choice of first car and found that 50% of first cars were being bought for less than £500.
Its work highlighted a need for better pre-driver education in secondary schools, including peer group classroom based sessions as part of the learning to drive programme, discussing all the aspects of safety and where things go wrong.
The insurer also found that parents have a role to play, both in terms of building experience and choice of first car – but they need to complement rather than conflict with professional tuition.
The guide was initially intended as something Aviva could provide for its own customers who were adding a new driver, but they subsequently made it available to a wider audience.
Free to download
For more information contact:
Adam Cracknell
T: 01603 684916