Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 20th May 2011
Date published/launched: November 2009
In July 2009, the Transport Research Laboratory was commissioned by the Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland to assist with setting up a casualty reduction target for 2020. This report presents the conclusions of the study.

All of the statistical information that has been analysed comes from Government sources, in particular the database of T1 accident reports compiled by the Police Service of Northern Ireland.
In addition, this report summarises the process that was used to develop Road Safety Performance Indicators for Northern Ireland for the coming years. These will be used to track progress in the underlying road safety performance behind the overall casualty figures. The indicators selected contain a positive mix of input measures, behavioural measures and outcome measures.
Two series of forecasts are prepared. The main series for the five road user groups: car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians, pedal cyclists and others. The second series are for two age groups: children (0-15) and young adults (16-24). The basic unit of analysis is the casualty rate i.e. the rate of casualties per billion veh-km of traffic.
For more information contact:
Richard Jordan
T: 02890 540104