Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government
Date uploaded: 18th May 2011
Date published/launched: June 2009
This report analyses the road accident and casualty figures in Wales for 2008.

The figures show that:
• During 2008 there were 7,783 road accidents involving personal injury recorded by the police in Wales, 556 (7%) fewer than in 2007.
• These accidents resulted in 11,185 casualties, 1,084 (9%) fewer than in 2007. Within this total:
– 142 (people were killed on Welsh roads in 2008, 19 (12%) fewer than in 2007;
– 1,253 people were seriously injured in 2008, 15 (1%) more than in 2007;
– 9,790 people were slightly injured, a decrease of 1,080 (10%) compared to the previous year.
By 2008:
– The number of people killed or seriously injured was 31% lower than the average for 1994-98;
– The number of children killed or seriously injured was 60% lower than the average for 1994-98;
– 2007 road traffic data for target 3 are not yet available. However, there was an estimated reduction of 37% in the rate (using 2006 traffic volume data) in the number of people slightly injured during 2008 per 100 million vehicle kilometres compared to the average for 1994-98.
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