DfT Citizens’ Panel Road Safety

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 26th April 2011
Date published/launched: September 2010

This research was commissioned to understand opinions on road safety in general and specifically on speeding, vehicle safety and driver behaviour.

This research was commissioned by the DfT to understand opinions on road safety in general and specifically on speeding, vehicle safety and driver behaviour. The survey was carried out using the DfT online panel, and 427 interviews were completed during November 2008.

DfT commissioned GfK NOP to set up a Citizens’ Panel that could be used by the
Department and its agencies to provide timely research and to collect public
opinions of and attitudes towards transport issues and policy.

The overall aim of this fifth wave of the Citizens’ Panel is to provide high quality
and robust evidence on what panellists think about key issues that relate to future
road safety policy.

Although the British road network was considered by a majority of panellists to be
safe to drive on, dangerous drivers, speeding drivers and congestion were of concern
to those who thought the network unsafe.

Panellists identified cycle lanes, cycle facilities and cyclist training as things which would assist cyclists, but more driver education about cyclists’ needs was also perceived to be critical to make the road network actually safe to cycle on.

Pedestrian safety was seen by panellists to be reliant on the provision of wide, even pavements with good crossings and drivers travelling at reasonable speeds while giving proper attention to those walking beside and across the roads.

For more information contact:
Dave Hammond
T: 020 7944 6436

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