Speed related collisions: 10-point plan

Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Date uploaded: 12th April 2011
Date published/launched: December 2010

This report covers speed-related collisions in Sheffield, analysing the data covering the five year period 2005 – 2009

This report covers speed-related collisions in Sheffield, analysing the data covering the five year period 2005-2009.

• Over the last 5 years the number of slight and KSI collisions involving speed as a causation factor has declined by 45% when comparing the 2009 figure with the 05/07 base average.

• There is a peak in the number of KSI speed-related collisions in June; however, overall, no one month stands out as having more collisions than any other.

• 51% of speed-related collisions occur on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

• The largest number of KSI collisions takes place between midnight and 1am, and most of these occur on a Saturday morning.

• 29% of the speed-related causation factors were assigned to drivers/riders aged 17-24.

• 76% of the drivers/riders involved were male.

• 17-24 year olds account for 38% of all the casualties (driver/rider, passenger and pedestrian), and 21% of these were KSI.

• The largest number of collisions (excluding motorway collisions) took place in Darnall Ward and Central Ward. Overall, the Community Assembly with the largest number of collisions is the North East, accounting for 23% of collisions.

• The roads with the greatest number of collisions are London Road/Abbeydale Road, Manchester Road, Attercliffe Common, Barnsley Road and Prince of Wales Road.

• 53% of the collisions with speeding as a causation factor were then caused due to a loss of control. In 50% of these collisions a 17-24 year old driver/rider was to blame.

For more information contact:
Dave Lawson
T: 0114 273 4785

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