Organisation: TRL
Date uploaded: 6th April 2011
Date published/launched: March 2011
Goods vehicles that are longer and/or longer and heavier than those currently permitted in the UK are in use, under trial, or being considered, in a number of countries within the EU and elsewhere.

In the UK, applications from two hauliers, each wishing to trial an LHV, were refused in 2005. However, interest has grown within the road freight industry both in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. In light of this, and the work of the European Commission, the UK Department for Transport (DfT) decided to undertake research better to inform policy making. TRL, in partnership with the Logistics Research Centre at Heriot-Watt University, were appointed to undertake this research – a formal assessment of the likely combined effects on road safety, the atmospheric and built environment, and the efficiency of freight transport, including the effects on modes other than road transport, if different types of LHV in excess of the current weights and/or dimensions limits were to be permitted in the UK.
This involved assessing a wide variety of factors, including but not limited to:
• Potential demand for LHV operations
• Economic efficiency of such operations
• Effect on other freight modes and the potential impact of freight traffic generation
• Effect on the frequency and distance of vehicle movements
• Effect on safety and accidents
• Changes to vehicle emissions and the environment
• Effects on infrastructure
• Effects on drivers
This enabled the effects to be estimated and compared for eight scenarios, which were used to illustrate different potential regulatory approaches. This report fully describes the findings of the research.
For more information contact:
Angus MacKinnon
T: +44 20-7594 7601