Inner City Safety Demonstration Project – Final Report

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 24th March 2011
Date published/launched: March 2011

The project aimed to treat the complex road safety challenges of inner city Birmingham through a combination of route treatments, standalone projects and area-wide education, training and publicity activities.

The Inner City Safety Demonstration Project (ICSDP) is part of a family of Department for Transport-sponsored road safety demonstration projects, each conceived to address specific road safety issues.

As the last major project to be identified, it was very much seen as the final stepping stone in tackling road safety in difficult environments with the inner city project considered the ‘ultimate challenge’.

The project aimed to treat the complex road safety challenges of inner city Birmingham through a combination of route treatments, standalone projects and area-wide education, training and publicity (ETP) activities.

It aimed to draw upon the experience and learning of the projects that came before it but delivered in a different context. The parallels with previous demonstration projects are significant and this provided an opportunity to validate or challenge conclusions reached on other projects.

As well as delivering the core aim of reducing road casualties there was a desire to develop a scheme that addressed wider social and economic objectives of inner city areas in Birmingham and elsewhere.

For more information contact:
Department of Transport Research Team

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