Organisation: York City Council
Date uploaded: 31st March 2011
Date published/launched: February 2011
This research covered issues such as spontaneous awareness and attitudes towards road safety issues and advertising.

Partnership, North Yorkshire Police (NYP), and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (NYF&R) in order to maximise the collective impact of their endeavors to educate the public.
A joint NYF&R/City of York campaign was developed for 2010/11 road safety initiatives. This was aligned with the national THINK! campaign and the 95 Alive calendar, so there should be a synergy between advertising activity running locally, regionally and nationally.
The City of York road safety team wanted market research to evaluate their key campaigns, which were undertaken in partnership with either the Fire Service or 95 Alive.
This report represents the findings from the 1st wave of interviews (conducted in
February/March 2010), alongside those of the 2nd wave (conducted in January
The on-street interviews covered issues such as spontaneous awareness and attitudes
towards road safety issues and advertising in general, and also prompted awareness
and attitudes to a range of material presented from the current City of York road safety campaign.
For more information contact:
Trish Hirst
T: 01904551331