Tackling the deficit: Where next for road safety?

Organisation: RAC Foundation & PACTS
Date uploaded: 8th March 2011
Date published/launched: March 2011

This second PACTS report on 'tackling the deficit' presents updates from around the road safety sector at the close of 2010.

This second PACTS report on ‘tackling the deficit’, commissioned by the RAC Foundation, presents updates from around the road safety sector at the close of 2010, a time when a new government was in place, with consequent new budget arrangements and policies. It then looks forward to 2011 and the rest of the decade, focusing on the strategic framework for road safety that is due to be published by the Department for Transport (DfT) in April 2011.

Research for this report found a pessimistic mood among many representatives of the road safety sector. However, it should be noted that research was conducted at a difficult time, soon after the Local Government Finance Settlement 2011/12, and that, even at this time, both enthusiasm and ideas for moving forward were in evidence. This demonstrates the determination and dedication of the sector, which should give road safety professionals inspiration to take the proactive approach required to keep road safety a priority at a time of austerity.

The report concludes that if the UK is to maintain its international reputation for high standards of road safety, both the road safety sector and central government should:
• Promote best practice to encourage partnerships;
• Encourage knowledge transfer partnerships between universities,
businesses and the public sector;
• Show commitment to an evidence-led approach by encouraging research;
• Engage with the private sector to promote and encourage road safety
• Target action on high-risk user groups.

For more information contact:
Naomi Baster
T: 0207 222 7732

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