Yorkshire and Humber PTW Analysis

Organisation: Safer Roads Humber
Date uploaded: 4th March 2011
Date published/launched: December 2010

This report is the result of analysis of motorcyclists injured on the roads of Yorkshire and the Humber between 2007 and 2009.

This report is the result of analysis of motorcyclists injured on the roads of Yorkshire and the Humber between 2007 and 2009. It was decided to only look at those casualties who were riding bikes with an engine of 125cc or more (as those with smaller engines are less likely to travel greater distances).

This report seeks to examine where these riders are from and if we can draw any conclusions about their socio-demographic background in order to target interventions to make them less vulnerable.

If it is determined that there is cross-pollination of casualties across the Yorkshire and Humber area and there are commonalities in terms of socio-demographic background, it could provide justification for joint campaigns to address the issues as a region.

For more information contact:
Ruth Gore
T: (01482) 391458

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