Organisation: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
Date uploaded: 14th April 2011
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
RoSPA runs regular MORR events and produces guidance for employers, including a range of free Driving for Work resources, and also runs the annual MORR Awards.

In the absence of official statistics, the paper estimated that up to 25% of road deaths each year involved vehicles being driven in the course of work activities. This amounted to more than 875 deaths. Subsequent research has estimated that up to a third of road accidents involve someone who is at work.
In 1998 RoSPA launched new MORR guidance, which, in 2001, became part of the Work Related Road Safety Task Group, established by the Government and Health and Safety Commission.
Key campaign developments and successes have included the establishment of the Occupational Road Safety Alliance, in 2002, and the first national guidance on the issue – Driving at Work – which was published by the DfT and Health and Safety Executive in 2003.
RoSPA continues to run regular MORR events and produces guidance for employers, including a range of free Driving for Work resources, and has also established the annual MORR Awards. Most recently the charity has conducted research about young employees who drive for work.
For more information contact:
RoSPA Road Safety