Organisation: Roadsafe
Date uploaded: 8th February 2011
Date published/launched: February 2011
This campaign is aimed at making young drivers better drivers.

According to RoadSafe for Parents there is increasing evidence that social factors have an impact on young drivers, and parental involvement is significant.
Research shows that if parents take risks it is likely that their children will too. By monitoring their own driving, parents can play a key role in reducing the number of crashes involving young people.
The campaign offers a number of tips for parents, including: setting a good example; taking a course or driving lesson to bring your skills up-to-date: putting a young driver in the safest car affordable; finding an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI); and thinking of simple solutions to problems such as offering to pick your child up or pay for a taxi.
For more information contact:
Roadsafe Information
T: 020 7344 9236