Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Date uploaded: 20th December 2010
Date published/launched: December 2010
This report comprises an analysis of collisions in Sheffield involving a pedal cyclist.

Adult pedal cycle collisions
• Over the last 10 years the number of KSI adult pedal cycle collisions has increased by 53% (from 14 to 21) and the number of slight adult pedal cycle collisions has increased by 50% (from 60 to 89) when comparing the 2009 figure with the 01/04 base average. However, the number of journeys made by pedal cycle has increased by 71%.
• The greatest number of collisions is in June and September, with each month accounting for 11% of collisions.
• The number of collisions throughout the weekdays fluctuates, with the least being on Monday and the most being on Tuesday.
• The number of collisions peak during the two rush hour periods; between 08:00-09:00 and 16:00-18:00.
• Overall, males account for 89% of pedal cycle casualties.
• The largest percentage of drivers/riders involved in a collision with cyclists are aged 33-40 years (26%).
• The largest numbers of casualties come from areas where Mosaic profiling shows people to be well educated singles and childless couples colonising inner areas of provincial cities.
•The single biggest cause of cycle collisions (34%) was another vehicle failing to give way to the cyclist.
Child pedal cycle collisions
• Over the last 10 years the number of child pedal cycle collisions has decreased by 40% (from 35 to 21) when comparing the 2009 figure with the 01/04 base average.
• The large majority of child collisions occur between April and September. 38% of child collisions occur in the summer (June, July, and August).
• 29% of child collisions occur at the weekend.
• 69% of collisions take place in the five-hour period between 15:00 and 20:00.
• The number of casualties increases with age, peaking at the age of 12 before beginning to decline.
• 91% of the child cycle casualties were male.
• The main cause of child collisions was them failing to give way to other vehicles and riding out into the carriageway off of the pavement.
For more information contact:
Mike Stanley
T: 0114 273 6162