A Guide to Social Return on Investment

Organisation: Cabinet Office (Office of the Third Sector)
Date uploaded: 17th December 2010
Date published/launched: April 2009

This guide has been written for people who want to measure and analyse the social, environmental and economic value being generated by their activities or by the activities they are funding or commissioning.

The purpose of this guide is to standardise practice, develop the methodology, and provide more clarity on the use of Social Return on Investment.

The Office of the Third Sector (OTS) and the Scottish Government recognise that demonstrating added social, economic and environmental value is important for third sector organisations and their funders, investors and commissioners, and this is becoming increasingly important for the public and private sectors.

The OTS has therefore funded a three-year programme on measuring social value. The work began in November 2008 and is being delivered by a consortium of organisations: the SROI Network, nef (the new economics foundation), Charities Evaluation Services, the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and New Philanthropy Capital.

In addition to this programme, the Scottish Government is also supporting SROI, including the development of a database of indicators to support SROI analysis.

This guide, which builds on the work in three earlier SROI guides, has been prepared as part of this programme. The purpose of this guide is to standardise practice, develop the methodology, and provide more clarity on the use of SROI. It has been written for people who want to measure and analyse the social, environmental and economic value being generated by their activities or by the activities they are funding or commissioning.

For more information contact:
Eva Neitzert

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