Organisation: DfT & RoSPA
Date uploaded: 9th December 2010
Date published/launched: December 2010
Road Safety Evaluation is a free website to help road safety practitioners evaluate their education, training and publicity activities.

The new website will allow local authorities to assess the value of education, training and publicity activities, which will in turn help them to design high quality schemes and target them where they will have the most impact.
It is recognised that it is much harder to evaluate road safety education, training and publicity (ETP) than road safety engineering. The sharing of such information is important – road safety practitioners have much to learn from each other about interventions that have worked and also those that have been less successful.
E-valu-it helps practitioners plan, carry out and report the results of ETP evaluations. The system produces bespoke recommendations for the type of evaluation that could be conducted, based on the answers given to a series of questions. It can be used for interventions that are planned, in progress or have already taken place.
A strength of the system is that it transfers all the generated results into an evaluation report template. Users can then add to the template throughout their evaluation, producing a professional report at the end of the process.
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