Organisation: ANDISP
Date uploaded: 4th January 2011
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
This scheme is designed to address the behaviour of those motorcyclists whose riding could be described as thrill or sensation seeking and also those who by the very nature of their riding could be defined as anti-social or careless.

The Rider Intervention Developing Experience Course (RIDE) finds its origins in the National Driver Improvement Scheme, which began in 1991. Since that date motorcyclists have been dealt with for errant behaviour either by way of prosecution or diversion to the National Driver Improvement Scheme.
During the evolution of the National Driver Improvement Scheme it became apparent, that the National Driver Improvement Scheme in itself did not properly address the bespoke needs of the motorcycling community.
The RIDE Scheme has been designed as an intervention for those motorcyclists whose behaviour has brought them to the attention of the Police. This Scheme is designed to address the behaviour of those motorcyclists whose riding could be described as thrill or sensation seeking and also those who by the very nature of their riding could be defined as anti-social or careless, thereby attracting a criminal prosecution. It can also be used for those motorcyclists who have demonstrated careless riding leading to a collision.
This Scheme is not designed to deal with motorcyclists who offend speed limits and are detected by automatic safety camera devices. These offenders will be dealt with under the auspices of the National Speed Diversionary Courses.
ANDISP have developed and own the current course and all courses are run to the ANDISP corporate model. The courses themselves are run by Local Authority Road Safety Departments and by private companies, who are contracted or appointed as Service providers for their respective Police Authorities.
It is anticipated that when correctly applied the course will invite the offenders attending the course to question their own assumptions regarding their own abilities and competencies to ride a motorcycle and hopefully alert them to the vulnerabilities reckless, careless or anti social riding can attract, and prevent them from re-offending or worse, becoming a casualty.
A motorcyclist choosing a RIDE course may opt to take it ant any of the national course venues and will have to pay for the cost of the course. A person may only attend one RIDE course in 3 years. Subsequent offending will be dealt with by way of a prosecution.
For more information contact:
Andy Wheeler
T: 01256 495738