Organisation: Road Safety GB, Lancashire CC & TfL
Date uploaded: 2nd December 2010
Date published/launched: November 2010
The National RIDE Scheme is a one-day course that involves presentations by instructors and group discussions around the risks they face on the road.

The National RIDE Scheme is a one-day course that involves presentations by instructors and group discussions around the risks they face on the road. It can be offered to riders as an alternative to prosecution for offences committed under Section 3, Section 39 and excess speed (non-camera) of the Road Traffic Act. The main RIDE objectives are to increase awareness of current riding behaviour and engender a positive and responsible approach to motorcycling. The course encourages clients to continue to ride their motorcycle, but to examine their individual attitudes and motivations, their approach to risk, to probe their beliefs surrounding inappropriate riding behaviour, to consider the positive effects and benefits of mindset change, and then to maintain these positive changes after course completion. The course employs a mix of information exchange, demonstrations and
facilitated group discussion.
RIDE participants had very positive responses to the course, with nearly all reporting that it gave them a better understanding of the hazards riders face on the roads (92%), that it provided them with information and knowledge to help them ride more safely (96%), and that they are confident that they can apply what they have learned on the course (95%). Slightly fewer agreed or strongly agreed that the course helped them to identify their own bad riding habits (80%) or that they had acquired new skills that will help them become a safer rider (75%). A total of 82% reported that the course will change their riding. Participants also had very positive perceptions of the instructors, with 98% agreeing or strongly agreeing that the instructors were very knowledgeable, and 94% that the instructors cared about their future wellbeing. The majority (61%) believed the course provided good value for money. Three themes were identified in the qualitative data that describe riders’
experiences of the course: that there was a very positive atmosphere during the course; that there was an unmet desire for practical skills training; and that RIDE is an acceptable alternative to points and a fine. These are described in detail below, and are illustrated with quotes from the interviews and focus groups.
For more information contact:
Fiona Fylan