Organisation: Bristol City Council
Date uploaded: 30th November 2010
Date published/launched: November 2010
This report is the product of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership involving Bristol City Council, NHS Bristol and University of West of England. It examines the potential benefits of applying road danger reduction principles to Bristol roads and traffic.

This Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) research project examines current road safety practice in Bristol, as well as wider transport policies and practice. It considers to what extent these fit with a danger reduction approach, how they would need to change in order to do so, and what the benefits of such a change would be.
The report shows how some elements of current practice within the council conform to a road danger reduction approach while others contradict it. For example, some efforts to promote road safety can actually discourage walking and cycling.
The report makes a number of recommendations, including that the council should adopt a vision for Bristol as a city in which it is safe and pleasant to move around, particularly for those who walk, cycle or use public transport. A city-wide extension of the current pilot 20mph speed limits would be a step towards this vision.
The report shows how casualty reduction can operate within a road danger reduction context and therefore support wider transport and social objectives, such as active travel, through promoting safer streets.
For more information contact:
Mike Baugh
T: 0117 922 4497
<: 07500120317