Organisation: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
Date uploaded: 8th July 2010
Date published/launched: March 2010
This report summarises the results of a RoSPA project designed to get a better understanding of the risks faced, and created, by young (17-24 years) drivers at work.

Young drivers at work face, and create, a higher risk than other drivers because they are inexperienced and because driving for work is higher risk than driving for personal reasons. Both young drivers and at-work drivers were identified as priority groups in the second three-year review of the road safety strategy.
With funding from the DfT’s road safety partnership grant, and with the help of a working group including the DfT, DSA, Buckinghamshire and Lancashire County Councils, Birmingham City Council and Roadsafe, RoSPA conducted a ‘Young Drivers at Work Study’ among employers who have young staff (17-24 years) who drive as part of their work and young at-work drivers themselves.
The study comprised individual interviews with employers and managers of young at-work drivers, a questionnaire survey of a wide range of employers, and a number of focus groups with young drivers who drove as part of their job.
For more information contact:
Duncan Vernon
T: 0121 248 2078