Organisation: Living Streets
Date uploaded: 10th November 2010
Date published/launched: April 2009
Employers who want their workplaces to be more active, or individuals who want a fun get fit challenge can take part in the country's biggest Walk to Work Week.

An easy form of exercise requiring no special equipment, walking can be fitted in on the way to or from work, at lunchtime or throughout the day. It’s a great way to ensure that being desk-bound at work doesn’t stop people being active.
During the Week participants can keep track of their walking online, see the miles walked and calories burned mount up, and earn online ‘rewards’ for their achievements. They can even get competition going amongst colleagues to see who can be ‘top walker’ in the office.
Walking has been hailed as a ‘magic bullet by professor Joann Manson of Harvard Medical School, because it has proven benefits.
Promoting walking to employees can help an organisation in lots of ways:
• Walking could actually stop people being late. Once a walk has been timed there are no unexpected queues or ‘leaves on the line’ for people travelling on foot.
• People should arrive at work happier and more alert – making them more productive.
• With contented staff, a company looks mores attractive than its competitors to potential employees and customers alike.
• With seven out of 10 people thinking businesses should take responsibility for limiting climate change, a company’s green credentials are important to customers and employees.
For more information contact:
Living Streets
T: 020 7377 4900