Organisation: Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Date uploaded: 5th November 2010
Date published/launched: February 2010
The aim of the Safe Road User Award is to build positive attitudes to road use and to help young people to take responsibility for using the roads safely.

While the Award is targeted primarily at young people from 14 to 17 years of age, it should be emphasised that it will be open to all potential candidates irrespective of age.
The aim of the Safe Road User Award is to build positive attitudes to road use and to help young people to take responsibility for using the roads safely.
Young people who become proficient road users at an early stage will be able to carry these attitudes and behaviours throughout life. This, in turn, should result in fewer deaths and serious injuries among road users. Being a safe and proficient road user is a significant life skill which this award will contribute to developing.
For more information contact:
SQA General enquiries
T: 0845 279 1000