Organisation: The University of Leeds
Date uploaded: 27th October 2010
Date published/launched: September 2009
This experiment collected proximity data of motor traffic overtaking cycle traffic on roads with and without cycle lanes using an instrumented bicycle.

The analysis shows that significantly wider passing distances are adopted by motorists in the condition without a 1.45mcycle lane, with posted speed limits of 40mph and 50mph with a 9.5mwide carriageway.
These findings were not replicated for a similar width road with a posted speed limit of 30mph and a 1.3m cycle lane. The results suggest that in the presence of a cycle lane, drivers may be driving within the confines of their own marked lane with less recognition being given to the need to provide a comfortable passing distance to cycle traffic in the adjacent cycle lane.
For more information contact:
John Parkin
T: 01204 90 3027