Collisions involving pedal cyclists on Britain’s roads: establishing the causes

Organisation: TRL
Date uploaded: 19th October 2010
Date published/launched: February 2010

This report provides an in-depth assessment of the key risk factors relating to cycling.

In 2008, 115 pedal cyclists were killed and 2,450 reported as seriously injured on Britain’s roads, accounting for 9% of all killed or seriously injured (KSI) road casualties (DFT 2009).

The number of cyclists KSI has steadily increased in recent years, with the figure for 2008 being 11% higher than for 2004. However, the number of cyclists killed or seriously injured makes no allowance for the number of people cycling or the distance travelled.

The number of KSI per 100 million KM travelled (as measured by the National Road Traffic Survey) was fairly constant between 2002 and 2006 but increased in 2007.

The Government is committed to increasing the amount of cycling in Great Britain and reducing road casualties for all road users, including cyclists. To support this aim the DfT has commissioned a wide ranging research programme looking into the safety of cyclists that is designed to inform policy on reducing the risk of cycling casualties.

For more information contact:
Stuart Reid

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