Organisation: Road Safety Scotland
Date uploaded: 29th November 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
The main aim of the research was to establish attitudes of drivers in Scotland towards drink driving behaviour in order to inform any future strategy for publicity initiatives.

The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) and Road Safety Scotland recognised that if any further impact on drink drive figures was to be achieved then a more structured approach to publicity campaigns, based on research evidence, was needed. It was in this connection that Road Safety Scotland, in association with ACPOS, commissioned this research into driver attitudes towards drink driving in order to inform any future strategy for publicity initiatives.
More specifically the research set out to:-
• Establish what motivates drivers to drink and drive, and their views towards the prevailing laws and enforcement on drink driving.
• Identify any pattern in the characteristics of drivers who admit to drink driving (ie age/gender/social class/employment status etc) to build up a profile of the drink driver.
• Identify the characteristics of drivers who have recently been prosecuted for drink driving.
• Explore the main reasons why drivers choose not to drink and drive.
For more information contact:
Road Safety Scotland Enquiries
T: 0131 244 6133