Motorcycle Accidents and Casualties in Scotland 1992 – 2002

Organisation: Road Safety Scotland
Date uploaded: 28th September 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009

The aim of this study was to explore differing data sources on motorcycle accidents in Scotland in order to investigate the surrounding circumstances, and identify behaviours or circumstances that increase the accident risk.

The Scottish Executive and the Scottish Road Safety Campaign commissioned TRL Ltd. to undertake research into motorcycle accidents in Scotland. The research provided a quantitative and qualitative analysis of motorcycle accidents between 1992 and 2002 in order to highlight trends and identify measures that could be taken to reduce the number and severity of motorcycle accidents in Scotland.

The aim of this study was to explore differing data sources on motorcycle accidents in Scotland in order to investigate the surrounding circumstances, and identify behaviours or circumstances that increase the accident risk.

More specifically, the objectives of this research were to obtain an understanding of the trends, patterns and changes in the circumstances of motorcycle accidents over the past decade. With this understanding, it may be possible to reduce the number of road accidents involving motorcyclists through appropriate road safety strategies. Recommendations are provided on measures that could be taken to help reduce the number and severity of motorcycle accidents.

For more information contact:
Road Safety Scotland Enquiries

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