The public health benefits of road safety education for teenagers

Organisation: Road Safety Scotland & Professor Frank McKenna
Date uploaded: 18th August 2011
Date published/launched: Pre 2009

This 'Think Piece' identifies the extent to which road safety interventions in Scotland (and further afield) aimed at young drivers/pre-drivers, promote responsible attitudes to being a driver which have a lasting influence on driving behaviour.

This ‘Think Piece’, commissioned on behalf of Road Safety Scotland (RSS), identifies the extent to which road safety interventions in Scotland (and further afield) aimed at young drivers/pre-drivers, promote responsible attitudes to being a driver which have a lasting influence on driving behaviour.

Professor McKenna identifies the challenges that exist and puts forward possible solutions. This piece provides a reasoned argument which implies that without sound evaluation there is little evidence to suggest that many existing interventions have any lasting effect.

For more information contact:
Professor Frank McKenna
T: +44 (0) 118 378 8530

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