Roads Policing: Not optional. An inspection of roads policing in England and Wales

Organisation: HMICFRS
Date uploaded: 29th July 2020
Date published/launched: July 2020

This report says that that despite the high number of people killed on the roads in England and Wales each year, often force police and crime plans made little or no reference to roads policing.Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) uses the report to make recommendations to encourage the police service to improve.

The inspection found:

• Some good initiatives, but too often the effect of these was unclear due to a lack of analysis and evaluation;
• When it was identified, good practice wasn’t shared across forces in an effective manner;
• Support provided to national road safety campaigns wasn’t consistent, which adversely affected their effectiveness; and
• Too often officers hadn’t been given the appropriate training and support to allow them to carry out a critical role.

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