Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 12th March 2020
Date published/launched: February 2020

Published by Northern Ireland’s Department for Infrastructure (DfI), the Road Safety Issues in Northern Ireland, 2018/19 survey (part of the 2018/19 Continuous Household Survey) sought public opinion on a variety of topics, including road safety and active travel.
More than half of respondents (53%) thought 20mph limits should be more widely used – with the majority saying they should be applied outside schools (82%) and areas where children play (76%).
The survey also gauged views on speeding, with exactly half (50%) of respondents saying they ‘never normally exceed the speed limit’.
However, 42% admitted to exceeding the speed limit on motorways, 23% on dual carriageways, 8% on rural roads and 4% for roads in ‘built-up’ urban areas.
Distraction was another area covered by the survey, with 52% of respondents admitting to using their mobile phone in some capacity while driving.
Approximately one in eight drivers admitted to texting, while almost one in 12 admitted to making a hand held call.
In terms of the risks associated with using a mobile phone at the wheel, 92% believed the action made them more likely to cause a crash – with 82% saying they would be less likely to notice a danger ahead.
However, less than half (46%) of respondents believe that drivers were likely to be stopped by police for using their mobile phone while driving.
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