Preventing Unintentional Road Injuries Among Under 15s

Organisation: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (UK)
Date uploaded: 24th September 2010
Date published/launched: February 2009

NICE was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance on public health interventions aimed at preventing unintentional injuries on the road among those aged under 15.

In this scope NICE took ‘road’ to include highways, roads and streets. The term ‘road’ is used in this broader sense.

NICE public health guidance supports the preventive aspects of relevant national service frameworks (NSFs), where they exist. If it is published after an NSF has been issued, the guidance effectively updates it.

Specifically, in this case, the guidance will support NSFs on the following: children, young people and maternity services (DH 2004a), long-term (neurological) conditions (DH 2005), which focuses on brain and spinal injury and damage to other parts of the nervous system.

This guidance will also support the following public service agreements (PSAs):
• PSA 12: Improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people (HM Government 2008a)
• PSA 13: Improving children and young people’s safety (HM Government 2008b)

For more information contact:
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
T: +44 (0)845 003 7780

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